
AT&T latest sponsor to drop Woods.

Tiger Woods, the world nº 1 golf player, is going to take a break in his career because he’d like to save his marriage, after admitting his unfaithfulness to his wife Elin. What’s more, American telecommunications AT&T has finished sponsoring him.

If someone is unfaithful it’s because his relationship doesn’t roll well. But I think there are many different ways to escape from love problems.

At first, I think if we love a person we must be faithful to him. It’s not only a ban established by the relationship, but for oneself. Everyone needs to feel proud of him, satisfied and not guilty. In my opinion, unfaithfulness developes to a feeling of fault; this fault creates a bad atmosphere among the lovers.
Secondly, when we don’t love anymore our partner, we must stop the relationship correctly. We wouldn’t like our girl or boyfriend to split up with us impolitely or what’s more, to hide us his unfaithfulness; so respecting each other, lovers must be sincere.

In my opinion there are too much unfaithful people in this world. The worse thing is that I can’t (or I don’t want to) understand it. What do we obtain doing it? I think we lose love; we lose an important person that we’ll always bring in our hearts with a lot of guilt feelings. 

The Independent, 3 January 2010.