
My New Year resolutions.

The truth is that I never make any resolution, for the New Year but curiously this 2010 (an important year), I've made them. Some of my resolutions this year are: 

- Get my driving license. Actually, I already have my theory because I have a motorbike and I had to get the theory to be able to drive it. I'm looking forward to this September, month that I'm going to start practising, and I wish I get it the first time I go to exam on November.

- Get good marks, pass the Selectivitat exam and go to university. I include these 3 in just one resolution, because they're all related to the same topic: my studies. I don't know what degree I'm going to do, because I think I won't get the mark to study Medicine. However, I'd like to go to Girona: I love this little city and Barcelona is too big for me.

- Enjoy my life and make the most of it. I hope to live this 2010 with all people I love and love me. I'll continue going to parties as I've done on my 2009 and having the same (or more) fun that I had this last year. I also wish to continue going out with my boyfriend, Jordà, but I think that's completely sure and I don't need to do a resolution about that (jiji).


sguilana said...

No resolutions before, really, Clàudia? ;-)
well, hope first time is lucky and makes your wishes true. Your studies are naturally a central point and hope everything comes out right and you are happy with it, whatever the final outcome is.