Last Wednesday 14th, an Iceland's Eyjafjallajoekull volcano eruption, left a mixture of glass, sand and rock particles in the air. It prevented planes from flying across Europe, which has caused a lot of social problems: there have been some modifications at the French railway company SNCF, many flights have been cancelled, the next Saturday's Japanese MotoGP has been postponed...
It's my second news related to environmental problems, in this case, related to the atmosphere. Again, we prove our planet is uncontrollable and we just can do nothing against it.
Volcanoes are really dangerous. 1916, a year later of Waterloo War, is know as the 'year with no summer' because it was really cold, it had no spring... A century later, the reason was discovered: the Tambora volcano eruption in Sumbawa (Indonesia) in April of 1815. So I mean it's incredible how natural disasters afect the future of our planet!
This ash can seriously afect the atmosphere for several months; there are experts who also confirms that it can last for a year. I personally think it affects, in an indirectly way, to the economic crisis: if Spain (or any other country) was specting to receive tourists during this days, the Eyjafjallajoekull eruption has stopped any movement.
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