
Informal letter.

Hi mummy,

I arrived in Cameroon just 5 days ago but I'm ejoying a lot my stay here although I have a lot of work too.
Before leaving, I didn't imagine what life here is like. You know, I thought I would find poverty and desperation. Besides, there's a hope, a feeling of progress among people in this village.
People in Cameroon are very polite and they welcomed me with a lot of entusiasm. When I treat an ill person, he respects me; it's not like in Catalonia, where patients always want to be right. Even so, they sometimes break down because they understand their life's still in bad conditions and they know they can do nothing.
I must say to you I sometimes feel angry with our government, because I think they should do something to help developing countries. Now I realise we live in such good conditions compared with them...
I hope everything's alright at home. Write me soon!

Lots of kisses,