For thousands of years it is said that we are able to cure an illness by controlling our emotions; many people, however, think that mind-body therapies are a waste of time. In my opinion, they can help us to enhace our selfesteem.

What's more, they need to be relaxed. An illness, apart from being difficult, is also quite stressful because of the constant visits to the doctor, the whole treatment... So it's important for them to have a peaceful break-time.
To sum up I would say that people must believe in mind-body trerapies because they can help them to get over a difficult stage in their lives.
I agree with you Clàudia, I don't think mind-body therapies are a waste of time, I think that can help you live with your illness and your treatment, and even you may get better.
PS: It made me laugh when I read "mind-boy" in the title of your post: DD.
See you on Monday, and good luck for the exams.
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