
Another sunny day.

Well, first of all: MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope yuhave recieved lots of presents. =)
Today I'll put another song, but this time I'm going to translate it. Another sunny day is from Belle and Sebastians and I heard it to 5 Pinocchios, a music group from Figueres, made of 5 Matí's and Ferran's friends. It's NOT an extra post.

Another sunny day, I met you up in the garden.
You were digging plants, I dug you, beg your pardon.
I took a photograph of you in the herbaceous border.
It broke the heart of men and flowers and girls and trees.

Another rainy day, we’re trapped inside with a train set.
Chocolate on the boil, steamy windows when we met.
You’ve got the attic window looking out on the cathedral.
And on a Sunday evening bells ring out in the dusk.

Another day in June, we’ll pick eleven for football.
We’re playing for our lives the referee gives us fuck all.
I saw you in the corner of my eye on the sidelines.
Your dark mascara bids me to historical deeds.

Everybody’s gone you picked me up for a long drive.
We take the tourist route the nights are light until midnight.
We took the evening ferry over to the peninsula.
We found the avenue of trees went up to the hill.
That crazy avenue of trees, I’m living there still.

There’s something in my eye a little midge so beguiling.
Sacrificed his life to bring us both eye to eye.
I heard the Eskimos remove obstructions with tongues, dear.
You missed my eye, I wonder why, I didn’t complain.
You missed my eye, I wonder why, please do it again.

The lovin is a mess what happened to all of the feeling?.
I thought it was for real; babies, rings and fools kneeling.
And words of pledging trust and lifetimes stretching forever.
So what went wrong? It was a lie, it crumbled apart.
Ghost figures of past, present, future haunting the heart.

Un altre dia de sol. Et trobo al jardí.
Estaves plantant plantes i em vas agradar, em sap greu.
Et vaig fer una foto a l’herba,
Va trencar el cor de tots els homes i de les flors i de les noies i dels arbres.

Un altre dia de pluja. Estem atrapats dins amb una maqueta de trens.
Xocolata bullint, finestres entelades quan ens vam trobar.
Tens la finestra de l’àtic mirant cap a la catedral
i les tardes de diumenge, les campanes sonen al capvespre.

Un altre dia de juny; en triarem 11 per jugar a futbol.
Juguem per les nostres vides; l’àrbitre ens diu que ens bombin.
Et vaig veure de reüll a la línia de banda,
El teu fosc rímel em recorda històriques trobades.

Tothom ha marxat i em portes a donar una volta.
Agafem la ruta turística; la nit brilla fins mitjanit.
Agafem el ferrocarril del vespre fins la península.
Trobem l’avinguda dels arbres fins el turó,
Aquella boja avinguda d’arbres... encara hi visc.

Hi ha alguna cosa al meu ulls, un mosquit petit que em distreu.
Sacrifica la seva vida perquè creuem les nostres mirades.
He sentit que els esquimals treuen els obstacles amb la llengua.
No vas encertar al meu ull, em pregunto per què, no em queixo.
No vas encertar al meu ull, em pregunto per què, torna-ho a fer sisplau.

L’amor es confús. Que ha passat amb tot el que sentíem?
Vaig creure que era real; nens, anells i tontos ajaguts.
I paraules de promeses i confiança i vides senceres units.
Doncs... què va sortir malament? Va ser una mentida, es va desfer.
Imatges fantasmes del passat, present i futur, encantant el cor.