
Kanye West and Lady Gaga's North American tour cancelled.

Weeks after Kanye West humiliated Taylor Swift, his tour with Lady Gaga has been cancelled. Although West regrets his conduct and he has apologized for it, he will take a time off and analize his live.

I think anybody can't humiliate another person just because can't stand her, 'cause in my opinion is very rude. We are responsible of our actions and words, so we must think before talking... but normally it's the other way round: first we talk, and then we notice we’ve actuated wrong. We try to apologize for things we’ve done and said but sometimes it's too late because the other person feels a deep pain and is too hurt to just forget it. 
In my opinion we all ought to count 10 before start discussion. In these 10 seconds, our mind can think coldly and, by itself, guess what the correct thing to do is.

The independent, October 2.