There's a group in facebook saying: 'I also should have my face in the book'. Another which says: 'Join if you should be studying'. There's no doubt we lose a lot of our precious time in this virtual space. We should think about it... The time we spend in front of our computers, we could spend it doing some other useful things.

When I'm studying (and I know I go against the clock) I try to turn off the computer, but normally I just shut the screen of the laptop so then it's faster. Every 15 minutes I'm opening it and visiting Facebook again, just to see what's going on.
As a matter of fact, when I see the time goes by, I get into the right frame of mind, I switch off my laptop and I take it to another room, far from me; in that way, I feel lazy if I have to stand up and go for it. Although it usually works, I have another solution, just in case.. I go downstairs and I study at the kitchen.
School work on the computer: another problem. While I'm writing this entry, I'm constantly visiting my Facebook site and I'm on ebuddy. You can imagine that this task takes me a lot of time, because (even though I know I'm not absolutely concentrated) I can't help it.
On the whole, I would make the most of my time if there weren't naughty machines and catchy technologies... Do you have any strategy to control your impulses and fight against them? Any advice for me?
wooow clàudia, I congratulate you for this amazing essay!
You've always been addicted to messenger, facebook, any social network. However, I think you know how to combine everything so that it doesn't have a negative effect on your studies.
love you!xx
I agree with Júlia, this is a great essay! Even I’m not affected by the phenomena of facebook, I know many people who are. It seems to be really kind of addictive… I’d better not to start with it, now I need my time more then ever before for the exams!
Hope you’ll cope with facebook + studying xd I’m sure you will, you’re so hardworking!
Enjoy the long weekend!
As stated, excellent post, Clàudia!!! :-)
nice reflection and wonderful pic!
switching off is a question of control and with 24/7 technologies is getting more difficult... Iphone doesn't help, either ;-)
Yes, that's my problem too. Right now I'm watching Barça- Tenerife and enjoying your blogs... multitasking!
difficult, yes, reaaaaally difficult to switch off.
It is impossible not to visit facebook when we are useing the computer...!! Luckly, by the time it doesn't affect our studies or lifes.
Cheer up with these last exams ;)
Hi there!
Well, in my case I hated facebook and things related with technology but in these moments often I go on it to gossip, even on I'm not addicted to that.
You're right when you say facebook is a waste of time!
ByE ClAu
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